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La difficile ripresa dello sport femminile in Italia (1945-1965)

2022 - Franco Angeli

71-90 p.

  • What did happen to Women's Sports in 1945-1965' Italy? After the support of the Fascist regime (for its demographic goals), no one in the 1950s' seemed to care about it, despite the high hopes of some sportswomen in the very first years. Among the main obstacles, there were: the ongoing gender bias, the narrow-mindedness of Italian families (above all in the Southern regions); the lack of sporting centers; coaches, and trainers; the lack of national championships. Yet sport was still a very strong experience, for the few who were able to practice it: in fact, sports travel were among the few occasion the Italian girls had to leave their homes and travel all along the country. For the sportswomen who practice team sports such as basketball, being part of a team was the occasion to fight together for their rights. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 91, 3, 2022