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L'abitato del Bronzo Finale di Campo Verde (Chignolo Po, Pavia) nel quadro della Protostoria padana

2022 - Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria

P. 581-593

The protohistoric settlement of Campo Verde, situated in the municipality of Chignolo Po (PV), southeast of Miradolo and at the bottom of Colli di San Colombano, was found in January 1976 after plowing the area and then became the object of excavation trenches operated by F. Rittatore Vonwiller and myself (N. Negroni Catacchio). The settlement occupies a plateau built on a river terrace situated on an ancient river Po course, a few kilometers from the necropolis of Bissone Pavese and from the site of Badia Pavese. The excavations uncovered a few structures: a hut with a sub-circular plan, a pit and an anthropic layer. Among the abundant ceramic materials found in the site, there are troncoconic and lenticular bowls, biconical urns, colanders, etc., fragments of concotto and bronze artefacts.

The analysis of the materials allows identifying the flourishing period of Campo Verde in the Final Bronze Age and in the cultural facies of Protogolasecca. Even though the excavated area is small, the settlement is one of the most interesting protohistoric discovery in the Po valley made in the last century and is one of the rare testimony, along with Vidolasco, of Late Bronze Age in southern Lombardia. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXXII, S2, 2022