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Quale rilevanza dei modelli regolativi regionali? : la questione lombarda nella crisi sanitaria Covid-19

2021 - Franco Angeli

184-198 p.

The article investigates the impact of the Covid19 crisis in the Lombardy region. This region has been strongly hit by the health crisis: more than 30% of the Covid19 deaths in Italy occurred here. Against this background, the aim is understanding the reason why the impact of the pandemic has been so problematic in this regional case. In particular, the role played by the regulatory model characterizing the Lombardy's health care system will be considered. The central hypothesis is that the traditional weakness affecting territorial health care services in Lombardy as well as the lack of coordination of such services with the hospital system have played a crucial role (pathdependence) in undermine the contrast to the Covid19 crisis in this region. Keywords: National Health Service; Lombardy region; Covid19; Regional health services; Regulative arrangements; Pathdependence. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XX, 2 supplemento, 2021