Digital Version

Disordine monarchico e ordine repubblicano nel pensiero politico di Saint-Just

2013 - Editoriale Scientifica

231-250 p.

  • The dicothomy order/disorder is an aspect of great importance in the political dynamics characterizing the French Revolution. The first concrete manifestation of this dichotomy is carried out in Louis XVI trial and his death sentence. This episode embodies the moment when the monarchy, especially after Varennes, is definitely considered the highest expression of the political and moral "disorder" opposite to the new republican "order", born officially on September 22, 1792. The two great speeches given by Louis-Antoine de Saint-Just, on the 13th November and on the 26th December of 1792 are considered within this framework as they highlight the close bond between the foundation of the Republic and the king's trial. In his two speeches, the young Jacobin theorist makes an issue about the inevitable king's death and reaffirms the political line of The Mountain, both from a theoretical, political and a juridical point of view.
  • Theoretically, Saint-Just raises the issue of the original dicothomy, introduced in his second theoretical work Du droit social ou principes du droit naturel, written between 1791 and 1792, focused on the concepts of moral order and political order. [Publisher's text].

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