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Le emozioni dell'alt-right : la dimensione neoliberale e affettiva delle piattaforme

2020 - Franco Angeli

83-105 p.

  • This essay investigates the role digital platforms play in defining a model of neoliberal subjectivity. On the one hand, these platforms produce a sociotechnical system that guides users towards self-management complying with neoliberal doctrine; on the other hand, they create a conflictual environment with a high rate of emotional involvement which serves to convert the values traditionally identified with neoliberalism into an aggressive attack on democracy. The alt-right offers an example of this mode of subjectification that exploits the algorithmic logic driving digital platforms to mobilize feelings such as hate, anger or frustration and to use them to reaffirm the neoliberal discourse. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 59, 1, 2020