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Tras-formazione dei sé : soggettivazioni social nella post-education

2020 - Franco Angeli

40-61 p.

In the 1983 conference La culture de soi Foucault made some reflections on the incorporation and integration of the techniques of the care of self in our societies in institutions and disciplinary knowledges such as education. In this article I set out to explore how these techniques have been re-incorporated by the neoliberal governmentality of the so-called platform capitalism also thanks to the wider hybridization, unstoppable and in process, between the realms of formal education and the informal "outside" spheres of our digital social life: what I name here as post-education. The main aim of this contribution is to question what kind of ethical government is being proposed by post-education through social media. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 59, 1, 2020