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"Adolescenti senza tempo" : radicamento relazionale e sviluppo del sé.

2020 - Franco Angeli

13-20 p.

In questo dialogo Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb e Massimo Ammaniti descrivono le caratte-ristiche dell'adolescenza nella post-modernità. Gli autori esplorano la relazione genitore-adolescente da prospettive differenti. Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, secondo la prospettiva della psicoterapia della Gestalt, focalizza l'importanza del sostegno fisiologico da parte dei genitori ai figli adolescenti, in una fase della vita estremamente delicata, contraddistinta dalle preoccu-pazioni sull'integrazione del sé. Massimo Ammaniti, secondo la prospettiva psicoanalitica, focalizza la crisi d'identità che accompagna l'adolescenza. Lo sviluppo della consapevolezza dei sentimenti negativi verso i genitori conduce gli adolescenti dall'infanzia verso l'età adulta. Gli autori concludono il dialogo con alcune considerazioni e indicazioni pratiche per migliorare la condizione degli adolescenti nella postmodernità. [Testo dell'editore].

In this dialogue Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Massimo Ammaniti outline the features of adolescence in postmodernity. Starting from the contents of the conference "Gli adolescenti senza tempo" (Adolescents with no time), Siracusa, June 7th-8th, 2019, the authors discuss about reliability of the term "adolescence", as it was originally intended, to describe current condition of teenagers. The authors explore parent-teenager relationship from different per-spectives. Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, according to Gestalt psychotherapy perspective, fo-cuses on parental physiological support of children throughout such a difficult age as adoles-cence. For teenagers this phase of life is characterized by concerns about self integration.

Detachment attempts from family ties, in search of indipendence and freedom, are also frequent and produce high levels of conflict. Parents are required to be resilient and to resist frequent conflicts with teenagers. Parental care and support are fundamental for teenagers during adolescence. Massimo Ammaniti, according to psychoanalytical perspective, focuses on the lack of identity in adolescence.

Frequent conflicts between parents and teenagers conceal search of autonomy. The development of awareness of feelings of hate towards parents lead teenagers from childhood to adulthood. Parents role is fundamental to ensure teenagers a good and healthy growth. The authors discuss the importance of peer relationships in adolescence and evaluate social impact of phenomena as bullying and group violence. The impact of virtuality in parent-teenager relationship is also highlighted. Spagnuolo Lobb and Ammaniti conclude with some considerations and practical indica-tions to improve teenagers condition in postmodernity. A watchful and discrete approach in observation of teenager activities in internet and social media is essential for parents. More political and social investments must be dedicated to teenagers. Creation of new real meeting places is hoped to combat teenager loneliness and over-investment in virtuality. [Publisher's text].

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Quaderni di Gestalt : rivista semestrale di psicoterapia della Gestalt : 1, 2020