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Diffusione tecnologica e ICT : modelli ed applicazioni

2017 - Franco Angeli

92-106 p.

  • The faster pace of technological change is increasing the interest in studying the mechanisms of new products diffusion. Many ICT technologies have peculiar features and adoption behaviours, compared to typical "stand alone" products. Therefore, it is important to carry out an overview of diffusion models to understand ways of extending existing models to explain the most complex technologies. This paper covers the state of the art of the literature on the diffusion of innovations. In particular, the work focuses on fundamental concepts of technological diffusion, and on the main models that have characterized this literature. The review uses numerical and graphical examples to better explain the fundamental issues of diffusion, because ICT technologies are now an integral part of the daily life of people, societies and economies. [Publisher's Text].

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Prisma : economia, società, lavoro : 3, 2017