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Il rifiuto impossibile : stati italiani e abolizione della tratta atlantica degli schiavi (1834-1839)

2018 - Franco Angeli

44-68 p.

This article deals with the participation of Italian States in the campaign for the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade, supported by Great Britain and France in the 1830s. The emphasis of the analysis is on the diplomatic pressures that brought about the accession of both the Kingdom of Sardinia (1834) and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies (1838) to the two Anglo-French conventions (1831 and 1833) for the repression of the slave trade. This specific focus on the involvement of the non-colonial Italian context in the conventions sheds light on a crucial phase in the history of the slave trade and abolitionism from a new point of view. [Publishers' text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 104, 2, 2018