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La sconfessione : primato del politico e struttura del diniego nello stalinismo

2017 - Franco Angeli

73-86 p.

  • Stalinism is a phenomenon that is inscribed in the historical process of building the primacy of the politician which begins with the Russian revolution. However, it imparts a peculiar characterization to the historical process. The stalinist ideology is willing to erase the historical contradiction in the name of dialectical continuity. As a consequence it alters the perception of the real. The Freudian category of Verleugnung (disavowal) explains the propensity of Stalinism to political realism, but also its defence strategy of the Ideal of the Ego. This article examines the testimonies of some critical writers of Soviet communism: Roth, Serge, Orwell, Buber-Neumann, Koestler, Kundera. [Publishers' text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 25, 3, 2017