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Miti e ideologie nella cultura italiana dopo il 1945

2017 - Franco Angeli

119-140 p.

  • The article aims at examining Niccolò Zapponi's analysis about the most widespread and relevant cultural trends in postwar Italy. According to Zapponi's perspective, it is possible to identify three main phases in Italian culture after 1945. The first one (from the end of the war to the mid-Sixties) was marked, on the one hand, by the triumph of Marxism and of «American ideology»; on the other hand, by the success of Neorealism. The second phase (from the mid-Sixties to the mid-Eighties) was characterized by the relevant role played by the «neo-avant-garde» and by the culture of 1968. The third and last phase (from the mid-Eighties to the mid-Nineties) was mainly distinguished by the rise of a varied right-wing culture. [Publisher's Text].

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Mondo contemporaneo : rivista di storia : 3, 2017