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Antoine de Monchrestien and Antonio Serra : two founders of political economy

2017 - Franco Angeli

89-100 p.

The aim of this paper is to situate the contribution of Antoine de Montchrestien and Antonio Serra in the monetary and financial environment of their time. The contribution of these early writers are placed back in context - that of the profound economic crisis in Europe: the monetary crisis in the Kingdom of Naples, and in France the crisis preceding the General Assembly in 1614 -15. After this analysis it may seem that they are many commonalities between Serra and Montchrestien. There is first of all their external personal situation to the circle of governors. Then there is the failure to take account of their analysis by those in power, the governors. They focus both on the real factors of economic development, investment, workforce. All this in a long-term vision, which excludes any monetary fetishism, puts the focus on combination and relationship between the economy and the state. [Publisher's Text].

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History of Economic Thought and Policy : 1, 2017