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L'onore violato : stupri, prostituzione e occupazione alleata (Livorno 1944-47)

2016 - Franco Angeli

87-111 p.

  • The study of the relationship between the Anglo-American troops and Italian women allows us to focus on important aspects of the transition from Fascism to the Italian Republic, related to the slow dissolution of the state of war: the perpetuation of rapes committed by the occupation troops and the increase of prostitution for Gls. Both phenomena were perceived as a violation of national honour. This argument led to racist and stereotyping discourse and practices, with the goal of protecting the boundaries of the community. The case study of Livorno, the city symbol of the segnorine, is undoubtedly relevant for the analysis of these dynamics. [Publisher's Text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 99, 3, 2016