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Valutare la qualità e l'apprendimento della didattica a distanza : il caso dell'Università di Pisa

2023 - Franco Angeli

11-31 p.

  • This contribution illustrates the results of the evaluation on distance learn- ing commissioned by the University of Pisa during the period of the pan- demic emergency. Educational and training institutions underwent a "para- digmatic shift" through the mandatory digitalization of the educational offer, characterized, given the available time frame, as a learning-by-doing pro- cess. Students, on the other hand, had to rethink their daily lives, redefining the ways in which they carried out their work, study, research, and personal activities.
  • The University of Pisa commissioned an evaluation to the Human Foun- dation that could provide an initial assessment to be read from an evidence- based perspective, in order to understand if, how, and where to make neces- sary improvements to the already efficient and effective teaching and learn- ing methods adopted during the emergency phase.

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 87, 3, 2023