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Il fondamento emotivo della cura socratica di sé.

2022 - Bibliopolis

P. 7-27

This paper addresses the notion of ‘care for the self' (epimeleia heautou) in Socratic literature. Its first part discusses the interpretations of this notion by Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault, and the multiple ways in whichthese two scholars' interpretations were applied in a variety of disciplines otherthan ancient philosophy, such as sociology, pedagogy, psychology, psychotherapy, ethics, and philosophy (including philosophical counselling and philosophy for children). In the second part, the author examines texts from Socraticliterature (Plato, Xenophon, and Aeschines) which show that the core ofepimeleia heautou is emotional. Care for the self is a care for emotions via emotions, and its effect is to transform the life of Socrates's interlocutor into a lifededicated to a never-ending self-examination. [Publisher's text]

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Studi filosofici : annali dell'Istituto universitario orientale [AION] : XLV, 2022