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L'industria musicale italiana e il gender gap : uno studio qualitativo sulla differenza di genere

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 133-151

  • The paper aims at showing a secondary reading of the main results of a qualitative study about the gender gap in the Italian music industry. Starting from the narrative interviews carried out with women (41) and men (11) that work in this specific area, the author proposes a synthetic model that highlights the main socio-cultural mechanisms that affect women's possibilities of access and presence in the industry. Results are analyzed according to two drivers: the mechanisms of inclusion, imagined as a continuum stuck between the exclusion, on one hand, and the exclusivity, on the other one; the socio-cultural value of the position, accessible or not, of the music industry, that could be positive or negative. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 63, 1, 2022