2019 - Pisa University Press
Digital Version
Statistical analysis of damages to masonry churches after the 2017 Ischia earthquake
P. 307-322
Is part of
Atti del XVIII Convegno ANIDIS L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia : Ascoli Piceno, 15-19 settembre 2019-
In the same volume
- Prevenzione sismica e ricostruzione : un percorso da completare
- Verso una legge organica sulla prevenzione, emergenza e ricostruzione
- Più sai e meno rischi : SICURO+, per sensibilizzare i cittadini sul tema del Rischio Sismico
- La campagna Diamoci una scossa! : contenuti e metodologia della scheda
- Seismic risk evaluation of water elevated tanks
- Empirical seismic fragility of different typologies of precast RC industrial buildings
- Utilizzo della scheda Cartis per aggiornamento dell'inventario ed effetto sulle stime di vulnerabilità a scala territoriale
- Caratterizzazione tipologico-strutturale e valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica dell'edificato ordinario in muratura della Provincia di Caserta attraverso i parametri della scheda CARTIS
- Caratterizzazione tipologico-strutturale e valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica degli edifici in cemento armato della Provincia di Caserta attraverso i parametri della scheda CARTIS
- Aggiornamento ed ottimizzazione di strumenti schedografici multi-livello per il rilievo del danno e della vulnerabilità di edifici esistenti in muratura oggetto di interventi pregressi in zona sismica
- The risk assessment of the Vallicelle district located in Camerino
- Effetti di sito e modelli di danno a seguito della sequenza sismica del Centro Italia del 2016 : il caso studio del comune di Campotosto (Abruzzo)
- Effect of the different data survey scale on assessment of seismic exposure and vulnerability of the historic center of Caltabellotta
- Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica degli aggregati in muratura : il caso di Borgo San Rocco a Sora (Italia)
- Stima della vulnerabilità sismica dei centri urbani: il caso di Forlì
- Vulnerabilità sismica di archi in muratura : uno studio parametrico con approccio cinematico
- Risk analysis of existing building heritage through damage assessment after L'Aquila earthquake 2009
- Valutazioni preliminari su base sperimentale per un criterio di stabilità di oggetti appoggiati
- Generating Shake Maps : Conditional GMPE-based Ground Shaking Fields with Site Effects
- N2 with Cloud : A Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis Procedure for the Equivalent SDOF System
- Seismic performance detection by fragility analysis : a comparison between standard and alternative approaches
- Uso dei codici di calcolo per l'analisi sismica nonlineare di edifici in muratura : confronto dei risultati ottenuti con diversi software su un caso studio reale
- Selezione dell'intervento di adeguamento sismico : il ruolo del BIM nel processo decisionale
- Recenti sviluppi sulle previsioni di vulnerabilità sismica di Campi Alto di Norcia alla luce degli interventi di riparazione e/o consolidamento e del sisma Centro Italia 2016
- Seismic risk assessment at territorial scale for Southern Lazio : a preliminary application to Cassino
- Calibration of a Simplified Model for Dynamic Response Assessment of Infilled RC Buildings
- Metodologie speditive per la valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di chiese in muratura ad una navata : analisi preliminare di sensiti
- Classificazione tipologica e scenari di danno di chiese colpite dal terremoto del Centro Italia 2016
- Statistical analysis of damages to masonry churches after the 2017 Ischia earthquake
- Seismic vulnerability of churches : the effect of context-related characteristics
- Seismic vulnerability of churches : first results of the study on three façade typologies
- Vulnerabilità sismica delle chiese in muratura : definizione di strategie di miglioramento sismico attraverso metodi semplificati
- Seismic empirical fragility curves of the Marche Region churches after the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Scenari di pericolosità sismica e di danno per la città di Gorizia
- Curve di vulnerabilità calibrate sul terremoto del 2013 in Lunigiana e Garfagnana (Italia)
- Una metodologia per lo sviluppo di mappe di rischio sismico per il patrimonio edilizio residenziale in Italia e la valutazione della sostenibilità finanziaria di piani di riduzione del rischio
- Effetto dell'indice di danno su curve di fragilità tipologiche per edifici in CA.
- Derivazione di curve di fragilità empiriche per edifici residenziali italiani inc.a.
- The influence of retrofit intervention on vulnerability of masonry buildings from post-earthquake damage data of the last 50 years
- A statistical analysis on the application of seismic isolation on existing buildings without local interventions
- Scenari di danno e perdite per strutture e infrastrutture della costa
- Seismic behaviour assessment of columns made up of rigid blocks
- Proposta di una procedura speditiva per la stima della vulnerabilità sismica di strutture in muratura
- Valutazione della sicurezza statica e sismica e progetto di rinforzo di un silo per polveri in tessuto
- La selezione di registrazioni accelerometriche a due componenti secondo le NTC18 e la circolare applicativa
- Comparison of approaches for generation of fully non-stationary artificial accelerograms
- Force-Based vs Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Non-structural Elements
- Influenza della distribuzione della rigidezza lungo l'altezza sul comportamento sismico di telai
- Modelli numerici per l'analisi sismica di edifici in muratura : confronto tra metodi ad elementi finiti e a telaio equivalente
- The De Saint Venant theory doesn't fit the in plane masonry seismic behaviour : a new calculation model is proposed
- Le nuove norme tecniche NTC2018 : domanda e capacità in termini di duttilità in curvatura di elementi in c.a.
- Domanda di duttilità in rotazione in telai di calcestruzzo armato soggetti alla componente sismica verticale correlata
- Assessment of the resistance model uncertainties in plane stress NLFEA of cyclically loaded reinforced concrete systems
- Numerical evaluation of the carbonation effect on the seismic vulnerability of a RC plane frame
- Numerical modelling of column failure due to the local shear interaction in infilled RC frames
- Vulnerabilità sismica del Duomo di Reggio Calabria
- Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edifici esistenti in c.a. di tipo ecclesiastico
- Seismic Performance of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Valutazione semplificata dell'interazione piano – fuori piano di tamponamenti in laterizio in edifici di nuova costruzione
- In-situ tests and inspections for reliability assessment of RC buildings : how accurate?
- Assessment of concrete compressive strength using non-destructive test measurements
- Prove sperimentali su nodi trave-colonna in c.a. con e senza solaio
- Exterior RC beam-column joints : experimental outcomes and modeling issues
- An alternative to TempCore® : Dual-Phase reinforcing steels : mechanical characterization and durability performance
- Experimental tests on RC substructures with Dual-Phase reinforcing steel
- Structural response of RC buildings with Dual-Phase reinforcing steel
- Studio sperimentale della resistenza a spinotto di barre lisce nel calcestruzzo sottoposte ad azione combinata di taglio-trazione
- Reinforced concrete flat slab with opening under lateral loading
- Empirical macro-model for flexure-controlled reinforced concrete columns with plain bars
- A hysteretic model based on plastic and damage mechanisms for seismic analysis of inelastic structures
- A simplified formulation to assess shear capacity of circular RC cross-sections
- Il metodo IQM per la stima delle caratteristiche meccaniche delle murature : allineamento alla circolare n. 7/2019
- Modellazione agli elementi distinti per lo studio dell'interazione della facciata con la parete laterale di alcune chiese nel territorio aquilano
- Seismic assessment of a masonry church using rigid block limit analysis and continuous finite element modelling
- Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM) per la caratterizzazione del comportamento a taglio delle murature storiche di pietrame irregolare
- Experimental and numerical assessment of masonry walls with new openings strengthened with steel frames
- Equivalent-frame models idealisation of laterally-loaded URM façades withirregular opening distributions
- Capacità sismica di archi in muratura
- Experimental response of historic brickwork
- Diagonal compression tests on masonry panels : results interpretation and definition of a strength criterion
- Valutazione della resistenza al taglio di pareti in mattoni : confronto tra criteri di verifica e risultati sperimentali
- Caratterizzazione meccanica del comportamento ciclico di murature storiche rinforzate con sistema FRCM sottoposte a test di compressione diagonalei
- Numerical modelling of the seismic response of a half-scale stone masonry aggregate prototype
- Retrofitting Masonry Buildings by Steel Fiber Reinforced Mortar Coating : from the experimental tests to a practical design approach
- Analisi critica dei metodi di analisi statica lineare e non lineare per la valutazione sismica di edifici esistenti in muratura
- Seismic response of churches façades : comparison between static and dynamic approaches for recent Italian earthquakes
- Effetti della componente verticale del terremoto nelle murature : meccanismi di III modo?
- L'esigenza della sicurezza sismica nella ricostruzione di un minareto con le tecniche costruttive della tradizione
- L'influenza del grado di connessione tra le pareti ortogonali sul comportamento sismico degli edifici in muratura
- Risposta fuori piano di tamponature robuste in laterizio
- Cold-Formed Steel lateral force resisting systems : proposal of seismic design criteria for 2nd generation of Eurocode 8.
- Evaluation of seismic damage to cladding panels in single-storey steel buildings through a multi-criteria approach
- Pseudo-Dynamic testing of existing steel frames with masonry infills : assessment and retrofitting with BRBs
- The instructions for the design, execution and control of timber construction(CNR-DT 206 R1/2018)
- Modal-Displacement Based Design : Procedural aspects and application to a multi-storey Blockhaus structure
- Periodo fondamentale di edifici X-Lam : analisi dinamiche elastiche-non lineari di tipo incrementale con input sismico a frequenza variabile
- Modellazione parametrica di pareti a telaio leggero in legno mediante OpenSEES
- Duttilità e resistenza al degrado oligo-ciclico di connessioni nelle strutture in legno
- Capacity design of typical earthquake-resistant connections for CLT structures
- Mechanical characterization of an innovative wall-to-floor connection for Cross-Laminated Timber structures
- The boundary elements in the in-plane strengthening of timber floors with double planking technique
- Overview of seismic retrofitting solutions for precast RC buildings
- In-plane strength and stiffness of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete floors : experimental tests and numerical analyses
- Analytical and numerical estimation of the q-behaviour factor of structural glass frames
- Refurbish and static reinforcement of tunnels : innovative construction methods and materials
- Influence of traffic-induced vibrations on a rapid repairing material for bridge decks
- Seismic isolation of buildings by using metamaterials
- Effectiveness of FRCM systems in confining concrete members : analytical models
- Simplified model for the seismic check of masonry arch bridges with finite compression strength
- Potentiality of magnified motion in the monitoring of historical bridges : the case of the Ponte delle Torri in Spoleto
- Minimal systems for the seismic design of bridges with different solutions for the bearings layout
- Seismic design of high-speed rail viaducts
- Effectiveness analysis of deck isolation retrofit for simply supported span bridge by means of combined fragility functions
- An application of Stochastic Site Response Analysis
- Structural monitoring : a new wireless strain measuring method
- High-rise building dynamics identification through shaking table measurements on scale model for multi-hazard experiments
- In-situ Test Results on Masonry Walls of Southern Italy
- Experimental characterization of an innovative ductile masonry system for improved seismic response
- Innovative experimental setup for coupled shear-compression tests on masonry panels
- Recursive identification of frequency-amplitude model for damage detection in structures with non-linear behaviour
- Evaluation and reduction of the truncation effects on modal flexibilitybaseddamage-sensitive features in frame buildings with mass irregularities
- The S. Maria di Collemaggio basilica : from the vulnerability assessment tothe first results of SHM.
- Dynamic behaviour of an industrial building during the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Retrofitting of existing tunnels with concrete lining : a preliminary experimental investigation
- The evaluation of the soil-structure strengths in seismic zone
- Seismic Monitoring of Base Isolated Buildings Under Low Intensity Earthquakes
- Riabilitazione incrementale nella riqualificazione integrata di edifici esistenti : approccio metodologico e applicazione a un caso studio
- The role of existing Post-WWII beam-and-block floor systems in the seismic retrofit of existing buildings
- Comparison between experimental test results and mechanical properties of masonries provided by the current Italian Building Code
- Strengthened thin clay masonry infills : experimental analysis and validation of verification procedures
- Experimental analysis of Textile Reinforced Mortars strengthening strategies against the out-of-plane collapse of masonry infill walls
- Experimental tests of unreinforced external RC beam-column joints strengthened with prestressed steel strips
- Confinement of reinforced concrete columns by means of carbon-FRCMjackets
- Experimental assessment of vertical spanning strengthened masonry infills under out-of-plane actions
- Experimental tests on full-scale specimens for the characterization of an integrated retrofitting system for existing buildings
- Shake-table investigation of a timber retrofit solution for unreinforced masonry cavity-wall buildings
- Development of integrated techniques to improve seismic performance and energy efficiency of buildings : preliminary results of the experimental campaign on RC portal frames
- Restoration of two architectures of high historical and artistic value located in the historic center of l'Aquila damaged by the 2009 earthquake
- Use of shape memory alloy devices in heritage structures : application in San Silvestro belfry in L'Aquila
- Conservation of historical minor centers hit by L'Aquila earthquake in the context of the reconstruction process
- Seismic retrofit of an Hospital Facility with an external damping MPD system
- Steel exoskeletons for seismic retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete buildings : State-of-the art and a case study
- Integrated, sustainable, low-impact retrofitting through exoskeleton structures : a case study
- Combined retrofit solutions for seismic resilience and energy efficiency of reinforced concrete residential buildings with infill walls
- Bracing steel frames for the retrofitting of the primary school of Conselice (RA)
- Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Design of Seismic Retrofitting Interventions for Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures
- The masonry infill downgrade in the seismic strengthening of existing reinforced concrete buildings
- Masonry ring beams reinforced with pultruded profiles and GFRP grids : the case study of Castello di Fossa
- Case study of structural reinforcement of a masonry building
- Reinforcement of Shear Walls with the Reticulatus method and CLT panels
- Rocking of masonry frames reinforced with elasto-brittle rebars
- Rapid intervention strategies or the reduction of the seismic vulnerability of masonry towers : the case studies of a bell tower and a chimney
- Proposals for building resilient cities in the reconstruction in Central Italy
- Large scale seismic isolation to preserve the urban texture in postearthquake reconstruction
- Design of hysteretic damped braces for the seismic retrofitting of inelevation irregularly infilled r.c. framed structures
- Seismic response of structures equipped with a non-invasive external viscous damping system
- An innovative seismic isolation device based on multiple articulated quadrilateral mechanisms : analytical study and shake-table test
- Experimental tests on dissipative device based on U-shaped plates for seismic isolation systems
- Optimal design of FPS for bridges in different soil conditions
- Effectiveness and optimal design of fluid-viscous dampers for inter-storey isolated buildings
- An integrated framework for assessing the impact of collaboration on buyer-supplier relationships /.
- Numerical parametric study on property modification factors of isolation devices
- Upper and Lower Bound approach for the verification of isolated buildings at the base with curved sliding surface devices
- Influence of axial load on shear properties of HDRBs
- Advanced and semplified models of HDNR bearings for the seismic performance evaluation of base-isolated structures
- Behaviuor of HDR bearings under large displacements and large axial loads
- Code requirement in BIS design to withstand large accelerations and design spectral values
- An Alternative Solution for the Retrofit of a School Building Damaged by the Earthquake of 30 October 2016
- Reliability of a r.c. frame equipped with linear and nonlinear fluid viscous dampers
- Seismic retrofitting with damped braces of r.c. buildings exposed to different fire durations
- Damping ratio estimation for frame structures equipped with dissipative systems by means of reduction to equivalent Single-Degree-Of-Freedom systems
- Optimization of dissipative re-centering seismic protection systems : a multi-level energetic approach
- Resilience design of steel structures with the dissipative connections DRD.
- Experimental seismic behaviour of base isolation systems in Italy during the 2016-2017 seismic sequence in Central Italy
- Heating phenomena at the sliding interface of double curved surface sliders and resulting effects on the hysteretic behavior
- Unbonded recycled rubber fiber reinforced bearings to isolate low-riseresidential buildings in developing countries : bidirectional shaking table experimental campaign
- Seismic assessment analysis of the main fire station building in Naples
- Seismic upgrading in hospital building by double concave friction pendulum bearings
- Base Isolation as a design strategy for higher architectural performance
- Design issues in Base Isolation
- Optimum tuning frequency and damping ratios in Inter-story Isolation Systems (non-conventional TMDs) : a closed form solution
- The role of the infills in the seismic retrofit of existing buildings using base isolation
- Seismic reliability-based design of double sliding devices for hardening structures
- Seismic reliability-based design of double sliding devices for softening structures
- Stability evaluation for rubber bearings : code requirements and comparison with experimental results
- Seismic retrofitting with damped braces of r.c. buildings exposed to different fire durations
- Derivation of risk-targeted maps for Italy based on a simplified approach
- Preliminary study on the impact of time-dependent seismic hazard on design capacity
- Seismic risk maps for the Italian territory
- The implementation of Italian National Seismic Program : a focus on seismic upgrading of critical buildings
- From the building to the Town Compartments : effects of approximate inventory on the vulnerability at the territorial scale
- A methodology to estimate the downtime of building structures using Fuzzy Logic
- Analysis of local parameters for an uncertainty reduction in vulnerabilityassessments of historical centers : the case of Vezzano (Arquata del Tronto– Marche Region)
- Multi-linear models for the rapid assessment of the vulnerability of unreinforced masonry churches involved in the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Comparison among different methods aimed at collecting seismic vulnerability data for the preparation of building damage scenarios : experiences and applications
- Novel seismic reliability indexes able to capture epistemic uncertainties
- A practice-oriented approach to control the effects of epistemic uncertainties on the seismic fragility of reinforced concrete frames
- Sensitivity of out-of-plane capacity to input parameters of Nepali URM walls
- Damage assessment by 3D optoelectronic displacements measurements of a historic masonry prototype under shaking table tests
- Vibration-based damage identification with application to a scaled masonry arch
- Influence of infill masonry walls on the dynamic behaviour of steel frames : an experimental study
- Dynamic and seismic characterization of a tall masonry Chimney
- Synergetic application of Seismic Interferometry and Operational Modal Analysis for comprehensive SHM of historic structures
- Terrestrial radar interferometry for the health monitoring of historical structures
- Calibration and validation of numerical models from permanent monitoring system's data : the case study of the Fabriano Courthouse monitored by the Osservatorio Sismico delle Strutture
- The significance of soil-foundation compliance on the dynamic identification of the Chiaravalle viaduct
- Dynamic investigations and multiphysics modelling aimed at the study of the anomalous crack pattern existing on the structure of a wind turbine in operating conditions
- Studies for the definition of seismic input for non-structural elements inside historical buildings
- Amplification of seismic demand to a glass facade attached to a RC structure : an experimental simulation against a real earthquake
- Seismic design of frameless glass structures : Requirements and practice
- Development of seismic resistant glass partitions
- Industrial Design, Structural Engineering, Computer Science and Chemistry for the development of life-saving furniture systems in seismic areas
- Preliminary proposals for furnishing systems with life-saving function in seismic areas
- Consideration on Italian code evolution of traffic loads in design of road bridges
- Multi-level approach for the assessment of bridge and viaducts within road networks
- Macroscale vulnerability and condition state assessment of bridges at municipality level
- Structural risk of existing bridges : preliminary considerations on thescenario of Caserta Province
- Seismic vulnerability of the Strada dei Parchi viaducts
- Seismic assessment of Maillart-arch-type Bridge : the case study of Viadotto Olivieri in Salerno
- Retrofit strategies for Maillart-arch-type bridge : the case study of Viadotto Olivieri in Salerno
- Preliminary probabilistic assessment of the seismic response of link slab viaducts
- Cloud Computing Strategies for Health Monitoring of Bridge Structural Systems
- A Decision Support System for the Emergency Management of Highways in the Event of Earthquakes
- Approximation of soil-pile foundation impedances and input motion in timedomain inertial superstructure analyses
- Site effects on analytical fragility curves of bridge piers
- Soil-Structure-Interaction applied to the analysis of a highway bridge
- Soil-structure interaction dynamic analysis of MRF (moment resisting frame) and CBF (concentrically braces frame) steel structures
- Field tests on a soil-foundation-structure system subjected to scour
- Shaking Table tests on Integral Bridge model including Soil-Structure Interaction
- An innovative seismic SSI zonation for the city of Catania (Italy)
- Performance assessment of RC petrochemical pipe racks including SSI-effects
- Empirical damage and repair costs for the assessemnt of seismic loss scenarios
- Use of empirical fragility curves for assessing seismic risk at the national scale
- A suite of data-based seismic consequence assessment tools for precast buildings : Results of research project DatA ESPerT
- The role of damage extent in the estimation of direct economic losses of existing RC buildings
- Repair costs of infills and partitions and correlation with earthquake damage for R.C. buildings
- Simplified displacement-based economic loss assessment of single-story steel buildings : simplified vs. full 3D models
- Derivation of empirical fragility curves for residential masonry buildings
- A model for seismic usability assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings
- Post-earthquake reconstruction of the city of L'Aquila : case histories of the Special Office, beyond the parametric costs
- Building aggregates of historical centers : damage analysis and preliminary remarks on reconstruction costs of the Municipalities of the Crater affected by the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake
- A simplified methodology for seismic repair costs assessment in RC buildings : an application to L'Aquila 2009 event
- Using the empirical evidences of the 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquake for assessing the convenience of seismic retrofitting measure on long-spanbeam structures
- Preliminary correlation analysis between costs of repair and strengthening works after the 1979 earthquake and empirical damage observed after the 2016 seismic sequence in masonry buildings in the historical centre of Norcia
- Numerical simulations of single-lap shear tests on carbon FRCM
- A numerical study on the effect of the interface material model on the tensile behaviour of FRCM strips
- FRCM for the in-plane shear strengthening of masonry panels with irregular texture
- FRCM composites for the out-of-plane retrofitting of masonry walls
- In-plane response of mortar plates strengthened by traditional or innovative reinforcement materials
- Shear Capacity of masonry panels strengthened by a TRM composite system made of hydraulic-lime mortar and flax textile
- Implementation of an efficient 3D damage model for concrete and masonry
- A novel OpenSees element with improved friction model for Friction Pendulum System isolators
- Seismic Performance of Existing RC Structures retrofitted with Hysteretic Devices
- Flexure-shear interaction phenomena in seismic assessment of reinforced concrete frames
- Optimal seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete columns with steel jacketing technique : a pushover-based genetic algorithm approach
- Combined IP/OOP parametric non-linear static analysis on RC frame buildings infilled with strengthened thin masonry panels
- Nonlinear static and dynamic assessment of the seismic performance of RC buildings considering the out-of-plane collapse of URM infills
- Out-of-Plane fragility of infill walls with and without prior in-plane damage
- Risk assessment of bridge's piers subjected to multiple earthquakes
- Response of RC frames under pulse-like seismic ground motion : sensitivity analysis and relevance of the dominant pulse
- Structural health after an earthquake : preliminary considerations on damage indices and MEMS accelerometers
- Integrated BIM-based Framework for Actual and Post-earthquake Structural Assessment of Existing Buildings
- Selection of the optimal updated model in multi-objective optimization problems
- A novel identification procedure from ambient vibration data for buildings of the cultural heritage
- Damage detection and optimal sensor placement in health monitoring of Collegiata di Santa Maria in Visso (Central Italy)
- Long-term dynamic monitoring and seismic response of the Milan Cathedral
- Sensors grid influence on damage detection for masonry towers : a numerical investigation based on the modal curvatures
- Monitoring-based post-earthquake damage localization in an historic masonry tower using novelty analysis and surrogate modeling
- On the dynamics of the civic clock tower of Rotella (Ascoli Piceno) severly damaged by the Central Italy seismic sequence of 2016
- Leeb hardness experimental tests for mechanical characterization of structural steels
- Recent results on the use of smart bricks for earthquake-induced damage detection in masonry structures
- Assessment of the rigid behaviour of diaphragms from ambient vibration measurements : application to masonry buildings in pre and postearthquake conditions
- Distributed Measurements in Reinforced Concrete Beam
- Experimental detection of the residual prestressing level in pre-tensioned and post-tensioned reinforced concrete beams by means of nondestructive tests
- Results of the dynamic monitoring of a school in Camerino (MC) during aftershocks of Central Italy Earthquake
- Monitoring systems for damage detection of RC buildings in seismic area
- Seismic damage assessment of precast reinforced concrete buildings based on monitoring data
- Seismic response of RC frames with HSTC beams endowed with friction damper devices
- Seismic performance of a hybrid frame equipped with Innovative plugandplay joint
- Design of friction connections in R.C. structures with hybrid steel-trussed-concrete beams
- Preliminary studies on a prefabricated hybrid steel-concrete seismicresistant wall
- Assessment of the behaviour of traditional (RBS) and innovative (FREEDAM) beam-to-column connections on a real scale steel structure submitted to pseudo-dynamic tests
- Design and seismic assessment of MRFs and D-CBFs equipped with frictional connections
- Experimental analysis of low-damage dissipative column base joints equipped with self-centring systems
- Design And Analysis Of A Steel Seismic Resilient Frame Equipped With Self- Centering Column Bases With Friction Devices
- Rocking Damage-Free Steel Column Base with Friction Devices : Design, Numerical and Experimental Evaluation
- Seismic risk assessment and management in major hazard industrial plants
- Seismic risk mitigation in industrial plants with structural fastening systems
- On the resilience calculation of process plants in seismic regions based on Monte Carlo Simulation
- A short-cut methodology for the selection of critical units in major-hazard plants under seismic loading
- A surrogate model for fragility analysis of unanchored storage tanks in seismic prone-areas based on Gaussian process modelling
- Seismic failure modes and damage state/loss of containment relationship of industrial equipment
- A simplified procedure for seismic risk assessment of masonry school buildings
- The role of dynamic testing in rapid screening of seismic vulnerability of strategic reinforced concrete buildings
- A priority-ranking procedure to assess seismic vulnerability of school buildings at territorial scale
- Seismic overall simplified strategies for vulnerability assessment of healthcare structures
- Structural and damage data analysis of a stock of URM schools struck by the 2016/2017 Central Italy earthquake
- Seismic assessment of school buildings : analysis of structural types and vulnerability
- Analysis of the first results of the seismic vulnerability programme of schools in Abruzzo : state of implementation and issues emerged
- Classification of Friuli-Venezia Giulia masonry school buildings for seismic risk models purposes
- Pushover analysis of reinforced concrete framed structures : comparison between response obtained using beam or multi-layered shell elements
- An integrated design approach for the retrofit of existing RC school buildings
- PELL-Seismic-School : integrated, standardized and interoperable platform supporting the seismic vulnerability assessment of Italian schools
- The CHeRiSH project : towards a multilevel, multi-hazard risk assessment framework for cultural heritage assets in the Philippines
- A procedure for prioritization of seismic risk mitigation actions : the case study of schools buildings in Calabria region
- Preliminary fragility analysis of a r.c. frame school building retrofitted by an external dissipative system
- Macroelement modelling of a monitored URM school building accounting for seismic damage accumulation