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Vittima o carnefice? : lo storytelling europeo dei flussi migratori

2018 - Franco Angeli

47-58 p.

The present paper investigates the way in which media and politics represent migrants people. This storytelling justifies violent response to what is deemed as 'barbarian invasion'. Following a Foucaultian perspective, this storytelling is grounded on two methods of power. The first one is the process of 'spectacularization'. The movement of migrants towards Europe misrepresented by media legitimates the rhetoric of invasion. The second one is the declaration of a state of emergency to face the 'barbarian invasion'. Hence, Europe becomes the victimizer. Europe blames the victims: the migrants. People in needs are excluded from society and are treated as persons whose life is not worth the respect locals instead enjoy. A foreigner who is 'illegal' or 'illegitimate', does not exist socially or rather exists only as invisible presence. [Publishers' text].

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Società degli individui : 61, 1, 2018