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L'autobiografia di uno storico : i sentimenti e i risentimenti di Ernesto Galli della Loggia

2016 - Franco Angeli

162-166 p.

  • Credere, tradire, vivere. Un viaggio negli anni della Repubblica It is the title of Ernesto Galli della Loggia's new book. The volume narrates the story of the Prima Repubblica with analytical methods, but with a language which, to a certain extent, recalls the autobiographical genre. For some aspects, it is a political and cultural autobiography, the story of himself, through which he tells explicitly his known historiographical point of view. This reflection on the book intends to underline critically some essential points of the author interpretation, who insists from one side on the pci responsibilities for the construction of a blocked democracy, from another side on the role of the intellectuals tied to the so-called "gramsciana hegemony". The insistency with which he connects the complex Italian event to that sort of original pity ends up falling into one of the history limits: the anachronism. [Publisher's Text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 22, 3, 2016