2024 - Leo S. Olschki
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Musulmani nella Roma moderna
P. 385-394
The article discusses the book Gli schiavi del papa by Marina Caffiero (Bre-scia, Morcelliana, 2022), which contributes importantly to our understanding of the presence of Muslims in early modern Europe. Among the themes considered are the place and face of the ‘stranger' in early modern society, baptism's implications for slavery, and the Roman Church's different attitudes towards Jews and Muslims, with the latter being perceived as more ‘familiar' and more easily assimilable into Christian society. [Publisher's text]
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Archivio storico italiano : 680, 2, 2024-
Artikel aus derselben Ausgabe (einzeln erhältlich)
DOI: 10.1400/296955
ISSN: 2036-4660