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Historias que definen lugares : El Cáucaso de Prometeo en las Parécbolas a Dionisio Periegeta de Eustacio de Tesalónica

2023 - LYSA Publishers

P. 551-569

  • This paper analyzes Eustathios of Thessalonike's treatment of the Caucasus mountain range in his Parekbolai to Dionysius Periegetes as a way to explore how he taught geography in his courses on ancient poetry. Although Eustathios states in the proem of the work that he does not wish to amend the information offered by Dionysius of Alexandria's Periegesis, later on in the text he criticizes both the linguistic uses of the poem and the ambiguities or contradictions in the geographical description. In the case of the Caucasus, Eustathios uses the punishment of Prometheus to distinguish between the different mountain ranges that bear that name and performs a work of geographical criticism when he explains, following Strabo, the reasons for the reuse of the toponym in India; finally, he denounces the lack of definition of the Far East, more populated by myths than defined by geographical information. [Publisher's text]

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