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Etnografia a distanza o etnografia digitale? : una riflessione metodologica su uno studio etnografico tra le lavoratrici accademiche italiane mediato dalle Ict.

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 43-61

  • This paper proposes a reflection on the critical aspects of implementing an ethnographic study mediated by the use of information and communication tech- nology (ICT), using as a case study a pilot research that was carried between October and December 2020. The recruitment of the study participants was conducted through the use of social media, the communications with the participants was developed via e-mail, the interviews were carried out with a videoconference platform, and also the interaction between the authors needed to analyze and dis- cuss the collected data was conducted using both synchronous and asynchronous online communication. The general aim is to promote a more reflection on the use of ICT in contemporary ethnography. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 127, 1, 2022