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Tra dono e scambio : la filiera del plasma nel sistema trasfusionale italiano

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 135-153

  • The Italian transfusion system is based on the public property of blood and its derivatives: any commodification is refused and the USA model is avoided, as Richard Titmuss recommended. Nevertheless, the for profit sector comes into play with regard to plasma manufacturing. This "plasma supply chain" relies on a complex collaboration among the Italian NHS' top institutions (Ministry of Health and Regions), four Third Sector Organizations which gather voluntary donors, and four for profit firms which produce Plasma-Derived Medicinal Products. Through a qualitative methodological approach, this article aims to explore such a mechanism, investigating its strengths and weaknesses, comparing it to other systems worldwide and analysing its reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic. The final aim is considering and evaluating it in light of both Titmuss' position and Achille Ardigò's viewpoint about the usefulness of a "triple pole model". [Publisher's text]

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Salute e società : XXI, 3, 2022