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Writing for the Design Mind

2019 - Bloomsbury Publishing

200 p.

  • "Becoming a designer takes a huge amount of time and education. With so many skills to learn, many people never get the chance to master the one skill that can give them a real advantage in business or academia: They never learn to write well." In Writing for the Design Mind author, designer and educator Natalia Ilyin offers clear, concise, and humorous writing tips, techniques and strategies to people who have spent their lives mastering design rather than learning to write. Ilyin's book helps designers approach writing in the same ways they approach designing - teaching skills and methods through encouragement, practical exercises and visual advice. Writing well is a skill, like any other, and with this book you can learn to do it with confidence. //Winner in the 50 Books | 50 Covers award 2019 from the AIGA// [Publisher's text].
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