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Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Contracts

2017 - Bloomsbury Publishing

352 p.

  • Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Contracts, Fourth Edition is the 'one-stop-shop' for practical contractual matters, making it essential reading for anyone involved in negotiating and drafting commercial contracts. This book includes: - A guide to the common legal issues in negotiating and drafting contracts - An explanation of the structure and content of a commercial contract - Good and bad practice in drafting (and in using clear, modern English) - The meaning and use of commonly-used words, phrases and legal jargon - The formalities for creating and signing contracts - Guidance on the interpretation of contracts - Steps to take, and what to check for in a contract to eliminate errors (including lists of what to check for in different situations) - Practical measures to protect documents from unwanted alteration, to remove metadata and sensitive information and to secure documents - Drafting and legal issues when contracting with consumers The Fourth Edition has been fully updated to take account of imp
  • ortant court decisions regarding the interpretation of contracts and changes in consumer legislation. Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Contracts, Fourth Edition is for everyone who wishes to understand, or has to negotiate or draft, a commercial contract. This includes commercial lawyers, contract managers, in-house lawyers, lawyers in private practice, LPC course tutors and law and business students. [Publisher's text].
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