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Comparative Philosophy and Method

2022 - Bloomsbury Publishing

280 p.

  • Addressing arguments that comparative philosophy is itself impossible, or that it is indistinguishable from philosophy more generally, this collection challenges myopic understandings of comparative method and encourages a more informed consideration. Bringing together a wide variety of methodological options, it features scholars spread across the globe representing a wide variety of philosophical traditions. Each chapter presents a cutting-edge reflection on the latest work in methodology. From the beginnings of comparative philosophy in the 19th century to present-day proposals for an Institute for Cosmopolitan Philosophy, each chapter serves as a viable methodological alternative for any would-be philosophical comparativist. With contributions from leading comparativists that are both distinctive in their method and explicit about its application, this is a valuable resource in comparative methodology that challenges and enriches the awareness and sensitivity of both the beginning comparativist and season
  • ed veteran alike. [Publisher's text].
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