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Modell Deutschland : esempio o problema per l'Europa della Grande Recessione? : il dibattito pubblico in Germania (2008-2012)

2021 - Franco Angeli

59-80 p.

  • The article reconstructs the internal debate in Germany during the years of the Great Recession about the ambivalent role played in this phase by Modell Deutschland, as a paradigmatic and problematic reference at the same time. In a fi rst phase, the debate focuses on the model of Rhenish capitalism, seen as an alternative to the excesses of AngloSaxonstyle kasinokapitalismus. In a second phase, the exportled nature of the German model and its sustainability in the European context is discussed; in the third and fi nal phase, the external projection capacity of the Modell Deutschland is put in relation to the exercise of German leadership in the Eurozone crisis. [Publisher's text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XX, 1, 2021