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Diversa Theologiae naturalis systemata : Christian Wolff's Ways to God.

2021 - Franco Angeli

760-781 p.

  • In this paper we will try to clarify some systematic points related to the double structure of Wolff's most mature natural theology. By sketching the relations between the two parts of this theology, we hope to shed some light on the reasons that pushed Wolff to adopt such a structure for the final part of his system. In order to pursue this goal, we shall begin with a schematic presentation of the a posteriori and a priori demonstrations of God's existence in the first and second parts of Natural Theology respectively. We will then take a step backwards, focusing on the argumentative structure of the German Metaphysics, in order to point out the premises that the systematization adopted by Wolff in the Latin writings moves from.
  • We will then pore over the a priori argument in order to assess, on the one hand, its argumentative framework and, on the other hand, the enrichment it can bring to natural theology. Finally, we will propose some considerations on the advantages and disadvantages that in terms of systematic consistency can derive to the Wolffian system from the adoption of this double structure. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXVI, 4, 2021