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Continuidad y discontinuidad del proyecto europeo frente a la crisis sanitaria y la globalización

2020 - Franco Angeli

23-45 p.

  • This work analyses the lines of continuity and discontinuity of the European integration. Analysing the EU with the methodology proposed here allows us to assess continuities, which should lead to advances in the logic of greater integration, and to explain discontinuities, which break this logic and hinder the integration process. It also makes it possible to understand why strong continuity lines like the euro have become breaking lines. It highlights the dysfunctional nature for the protection of the rights of Europeans of the fact that the current EU appears to be a global subject without actually becoming one. The EU as a global actor is today a character in search of an author.
  • As no one can create himself, despite the good will of the European institutions, it will be the States that will have to assume that an EU that has more disadvantages for some of them than advantages, can only go forward or backward because the current situation is unsustainable, especially since the health crisis and the new economic crisis. [Publisher's text].

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Cittadinanza europea : XVII, 1, 2020