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Disumanizzazione politica e disumanizzazione morale : gli effetti morali del pensiero in Hannah Arendt

2019 - Franco Angeli

30-41 p.

  • Hannah Arendt reflects on the processes of dehumanization from different perspectives, both through the political inquiry into the elements of totalitarian domination and from a philosophical-moral point of view. The paper examines the last phase of her thought and focuses on the moral questions that take shape starting from the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem. This event gives her the opportunity to reflect on the structure and the genesis of the moral conscience, on the moral collapse of the German culture and, first of all, on the relation between the private moral dimension and the public life. The paper aims to show how ethics and politics are related to each other in Arendt's philosophy. [Publisher's text].

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Società degli individui : 64, 1, 2019