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Crollo di un impero : critica della guerra e crisi sociale in Ungheria fra il 1916 e il 1918

2018 - Franco Angeli

50-66 p.

  • At the end of 1916 the Hungarian workers protest with particular force against the military discipline imposed on the factories. At that time, they organize several strikes and in 1917 they celebrate the first of May for the first time. The thing happens under the influence of the Russian revolution of February and then of that of October. The antimilitarist propaganda of the socialists contributes to inflame the minds. Thus pacifism spread in the country and at the front where the Hungarian soldiers were fighting. The Russian revolution and Russia's withdrawal from the war lead to an initial improvement in the situation of the central powers, but this advantage will fail with the entry into the war of the United States alongside the powers of the Entente. As well as among the ranks of Italian and French soldiers, even in the case of the Hungarians, insubordination and cases of desertion increase.
  • The war events also heavily involve the civilian population. Some newspapers such as the Világ, the Pesti Hírlap and the Népszava, informe every day about the evolution of the events in Russia. The Népszava is, at the time, the Hungarian Social Democratic Party newspaper. He regularly updates his readers on the activities of the movements that had arisen to reclaim the end of hostilities and set itself up as a press structure committed to promoting peace in the name of a proletariat forced into trenches and suffering civilian populations. [Publisher's text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 28, 3, 2018