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Fake News and Post-Truths? : the real issue is how democracy is faring lately

181-195 p.

  • About the "post-truths", we are still reasoning along theoretical-practical logics of emergency and control. We need to analyse the social-cultural factors, the environment and ecosystems' aspects, the dynamics of social nets pre-existent to digital ones. These are variables that should be integrated. The problems are people, their being easily hetero-directed to the "subjection taught through cultural habituation". These issues regard modern democracies and the quality of democracy itself. [Publishers' text].
  • Sulle c.d. "post verità", ragioniamo in un quadro teorico-pratico-applicativo d'emergenza e controllo. Si tratta, invece, di considerare anche i "fattori sociali e culturali", ambientali e di ecosistema, le dinamiche delle reti sociali pre-esistenti alle reti digitali. Variabili che vanno integrate. Il problema sono le persone, il loro essere facilmente eterodirette alla "sudditanza per abitudine culturale". Questioni che riguardano le moderne democrazie e la qualità della democrazia stessa. [Publishers' text].

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Sicurezza e scienze sociali : V, 3, 2017