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Il nemico invisibile : la fabbrica e la città in Italia tra memoria e rimozione : il caso dell'amianto a Casale Monferrato e a Broni

2017 - Franco Angeli

49-74 p.

  • In the early Cold War years, Bologna was involved in a national phenomenon, the so-called dismissals reprisal for political and union activities, which targeted members of the CGIL as well as those of the Communist and the Socialist Parties. In the iconography of the city struggling against the dismissals, women were photographed in occupied factories, during marches and demonstrations. However, women's visibility in visual sources has hitherto been offset by their lack of visibility in the written sources. By adopting a gender perspective, the article examines, on the one hand, the iconography and representation of the city battling against dismissals, and on the other, the building of a collective memory which led, in the past decade, to the creation of actual "places of memory". [Publisher's Text].

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Storia urbana : rivista di studi sulle trasformazioni della città e del territorio in età moderna : 154, 3, 2017