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Forme di violenza in Istria tra guerra e secondo dopoguerra

2017 - Franco Angeli

59-74 p.

  • The authoress develops the theme of violence developed in Istria between the World War II and the post-war years in the process of taking of power and the construction of the new Yugoslav state from a revolutionary Communist-led movement. The violence and repression exercised by the Yugoslav Security Agency (the Ozna-The Department of National Security), proved crucial in the seizure of power and in the showdown against the occupiers (Germans, Italians), but also of all the potential or alleged traitors and of class enemies. A policy of persecution initiated against the clergy of Italian nationality, since they were regarded as opponents to the communist regime's policies and supporters of maintaining the Italian sovereignty. [Publisher's Text].

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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 74, 1, 2017