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Pratiche riflessive e apprendimento nella ricerca organizzativa

2016 - Franco Angeli

26-40 p.

  • The paper suggests some methodological considerations which, on the basis of a recent research on a medium enterprise in Italy, point out the reflexive potential of the ethnographic approach to organizational analysis. The experience of reflexivity is not a spontaneous phenomenon. It represents the intentional effect of the debate among the actors about the report produced by the researcher. Thus it's possible to stimulate the reflexivity of actors also through more or less structured ways of debating a research in which they're implied. From this point of view driven reflexivity is, de facto, a practice of (self) evaluation in so far as the expositive modalities of the results of research - which have to get strong narrative and descriptive features - are able to involve actors and foster their interest and commitment to reflect and learn starting from the discussion of the interpretations (proposed by the researcher) of their practices [Publisher's Text].

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Educational reflective practices : 2, 2016