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La costruzione di dimensioni teorico concettuali per la valutazione di una politica di contrasto alla dispersione scolastica : l'applicazione del brainstorming valutativo

2015 - Franco Angeli

83-102 p.

  • In order to understand the biographies of those who are at risk of dropout, the aim of this paper is to elicit from the young people questions, perceptions and mechanisms as to better understand them and, consequently, whether the existing decisions, actions and policies are suitable for them. I will try, by means of the technique of evaluating brainstorming, to co-build the indicators of the project with the objective of problematizing concepts emerged from the young, in particular from group debates on school leaving. The methodological reference of this technique is Bezzi (2013), who conceives evaluating brainstorming as the evolution of the classic brainstorming. He has developed this technique with the purpose of including the ability to explore semantically a concept and produce, for social research, indicators through an inductive method. As part of the evaluation research, this type of brainstorming allows to explore the Program Theory and analyze and evaluate social programs. It is a consensual and g
  • roup technique with the purpose of reaching, through a collective synthesis, a set of shared indicators.

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 63, 3, 2015