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Affrontarsi o confrontarsi? : il "rischio" immigrati sulla stampa italiana e nella periferia di Tor Sapienza a Roma

2016 - Franco Angeli

86-112 p.

  • The article examines migration in the light of the distinction between the concepts of risk and threat. Through an analysis of representations in the Italian press, the authors argue that by framing immigration as a threat, media discourse ignores negative consequences for migrants as well as positive effects for reception's society. A case study in a sensitive urban area in Rome, using a survey and a citizens' jury, shows how residents' negative if not violent reactions to migrants' are often nurtured by a sense of relative deprivation and political neglect. More information and citizens' involvement in local policies may facilitate dialogue and lead to more creative and shared solutions.

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Sicurezza e scienze sociali : IV, 1, 2016