Constantly updated with new content and contributing publishers

Did you know that new publishers join the Torrossa digital bookstore every month? Find out more about the new content now on offer from important academic publishers, in a range of languages, including French, English, Spanish, Italian and more! 

Historians will find a wealth of resources with academic publications from De Boccard and independent publisher Champ Vallon now available for purchase. During 2022 we also welcomed to the bookstore Édition Marketing Ellipse, one of France's leading university publishers, and Editions Anibwe, which specializes in spreading black culture through art and literature.

Manchester University Press is just one of the prestigious academic publishers welcomed to Torrossa in 2022, alongside international organisations such as the United Nations (United Nations Publications) and of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), whose official publications are recent additions to our catalogue! 
Discover resources on classical antiquity, history and archeology from The Classical Press of WalesLockwood Press and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA Publications); choose from theological, ethical and religious studies by The Lutterworth Press, the Australian ATF Press and Ethics Press, or delve into studies of psychoanalysis and mental health with publications from Phoenix Publishing House. Consult The Pragmatic Bookshelf's offering of e-books for software developers and widen your knowledge of IT Management, Project Management, Enterprise Architecture, and Business Management with resources from Van Haren Publishing. Or take a look at the art books of Paul Holberton Publishing, a London publisher specializing in exhibition catalogues.

New Spanish language entries to Torrossa include a number of important academic publishers from across Latin America, not least the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), the Chilean university publishing house Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado and the Argentine Prometeo Editorial and Homo Sapiens Ediciones.

A wide range of specialisms are covered in the newest additions to our Italian language catalogue: if your interest lies in social, political and human sciences, you will find essays from Rogas Edizioni, while Capone Editore offers publications on the history of the South and the Mediterranean area, the publications of SAP Società Archeologica are a valuable resource in the field of archeology, and Key Editore makes available texts specialising in legal studies.

And that's not all! 
We have also added to our catalogue the digital editions of many new and established scientific journals.
Looking for publications by a specific publisher? Consult the complete list of publishers available on Torrossa and access their content with a single click!