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Praticare un'attività fisica prescritta da un medico : un'indagine su pazienti affetti da una malattia cronica a Strasburgo (Francia)

2023 - Franco Angeli

196-210 p.

  • Practising a physical activity on medical prescription: a survey of patients with a chronic disease in Strasbourg (France). Since the 2000s, physical activity and sport in France have been an integral part of the treatment of many chronic diseases. Strasbourg was the first French city to experiment in 2012 with a medical prescription programme for physical activity paid for by the local council named "Sport-santé sur ordonnance" (SSSO), i.e. sport-health on prescription. However, a prescription by a general practitioner does not guarantee either the effective participation in or the lasting commitment of patients to regular physical activity.
  • Based on a sociological approach and a qualitative survey of patients who have joined the SSSO programme, the article examines how patients enter into the scheme, their actual participation, the extent of patients' commitment and disengagement and/or their pursuit of regular physical activity. It also cross-references their physical health activities and their duration with the patients' social and diseases trajectories. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XXII, 3, 2023