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Social Reading : strategie, pratiche e performance dei booktoker nei gruppi di lettura di Telegram

2023 - Franco Angeli

77-94 p.

  • The contribution is related to the relationship between the strategies im-plemented by the TikTok creators, aimed at the performance of the relation-ship, and the power of the platforms, through the netnographic survey on Tele-gram Book Clubs. The rites and narratives of the Book Clubs are necessary tools for maintaining and strengthening community ties, penalized in the book-tok, which prefers the performance of the content to the performance of the relationship. The Telegram Book Clubs are also places where the booktoker can experiment with neoliberal forms of self-performance, highlighting a growing professionalisation of reading. The language and aesthetics of enter-tainment deriving from TikTok are, in fact, influencing social reading with consequences for promotion and production. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 66, 2, 2023